Relationships are tricky and just when you think you know what one is about you get the rug pulled out from under you and you just can't seem to find the road to forgiveness or to forgetting. I think that forgiveness will be easier in the long run and I am working on it, but the not being able to forget about how it was is harder by far.
The boat pulpit got destroyed again this year and is now repaired and ready for service. I am looking forward to blue seas and salt water and a little seclusion.
This year saw more of our cruising friends swallow the hook and become lubbers. We are slowly drifting in that direction...I think?
We bought a Motor Home and that has reopened some doors of discovery. We are spending more time in the States and we love the travel. Can't see us settling down and living in a house. We just like to take our home with us where-ever we go...be it land or sea.
I went to Spanish School this year and almost had a total break-down. Thankfully Carole wouldn't let me be a slacker and it all worked out. That was a wonderful week of just "girl" time.
I became addicted to my iTouch. I love it...music, movies, wifi, books, addresses, games and more games.
I bought a Mac computer and started the road to switching from a PC to a Mac. A little different, but all good.
I got Facebooked! Still not sure if that is a good thing or not. Sometimes I like it, but sometimes it wastes my time. Sometimes I find that it is like overhearing a conversation that you weren't suppose to and all it does is hurt your feelings. On a different note I have reconnected with old friends and met some new ones. Thanks to a meeting on Facebook we got a new tow dolly for the RV.
Because my sister, Helen and her husband, Einor store our car and RV we have got to spend more time with them. That sure has been WONDERFUL.
My son, David married Lilly and that increased our family by two. So welcome Lilly and Devonie to our family. It is so good to see you happy, David.
My daughter, Sarah and Chris found each other. I am excited. Sarah seems happy.
Found out I am going to be a grandmother again. And just got off the phone with my step-son and he and the mother of his child just got married!
Cynthia is growing into a fine young woman. Our grandsons Chance and Jake are growing like weeds.
Kelly is working and working. Tina is moving.
So let the new year come and reveal all it has to offer. We have 2 new daughter-in-laws and a new baby on the way and a new grand-daughter. The year is full of promise.
So Happy New Year! May your future be full of promise!