Sunday, July 8, 2007

The 4th of July 2007

Celebrating the 4th of July is always special for us. We remember past celebrations with family and friends. And think about what a great country we call home. Politics aside we are lucky that this is our country. This year we celebrated the Birthday of America in Guatemala with 65 friends here on the Rio Dulce.

What do a group of Americans, Brits, Guatemalans, and other various nationalities do? Well you start out with a 125 pound pig. You have the pig butchered and cleaned and then you put it in a pit and cook it. What a pig it was! Also on the menu that day were, hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad, cole slaw and watermelon.

Once again the Sweet River Band provided live music and the place was rocking with dancing and singing. We had cayuco races that provided laughs for everyone. The Ring Toss competition was a success and everybody had a great time.

Don't forget the fireworks....boy were they something! We had a solid 45 minute aerial display and nobody or any property got hurt.

The best part was the friendship and of course standing hand over heart and singing the Star Spangled Banner. We hope that your 4th was a great as ours was. Happy Birthday America!!

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