Saturday, March 1, 2008

Anchoring Zen

Anchoring is like Zen. It happens best when you don't over think it. We came into Placencia and dropped the hook. Sounds easy doesn't it. You can have a danforth, a bruce, a bulwagga, a delta, a CQR and the list goes on. So we found a place in the parking lot and we sat for a week. We made it through the blow (30kts) and then one big gust hit us broad side! Away we went...I run to bow and Michael has the helm we are pulling up 150 feet of chain and are looking at a 100 lb plastic bag plus burlap that has fouled the anchor and now we are looking for a new parking place. So we quickly drop so that we can look around and find a new home. To the back of the pack we go where it is rolly but safe or so we think.

We make it through two more blows until today when a rental Moorings catamaran comes down on us. We are able to get the anchor up and head back closer to the island where it is not so rolly and we have our first little squall in our third new place.

We finally are in on land having some lunch and enjoying the calm. They tell us more is on the way. It's ok we like a different view!

1 comment:

Kathleen and George said...

Maybe it's not such a bad thing that we're still at Mario's. I like the view from here. No dragging when you're hauled out. Speaking of which, we are still at Abel's, ever optimistic that we will be back in the water and out of here by mid-week. Save us a parking spot. See you soon.
Love, Dave