Saturday, October 16, 2010

To DNA or Not To DNA...

That is the question.

It appears that there has been a Y DNA Project for the Bonham Family.  I think my Dad will get his cheek swabbed.  It is painless and the price keeps coming down.

Not to be left out my Mom is deciding if she wants to do a test.  I can't imagine why...Smith isn't a common name or anything.  It has been frustrating looking for Smith Ancestors.  We will persevere. has been invaluable in our research.  We have met some wonderful cousins and found living family.  Together we are piecing together the history that made us who and what we are.  It is our own private detective story.

Everyone we have met has been more than generous.  Generous with information, photos, and documents.

Mom and I have laughed and cried.  We have shared the magnifying glass so that we can read the ineligible hand writing from 1700 and upward.  We have marveled at the internet and how connected it allows us be to others and to documents.  It has meant that we don't always need to travel to find an answer.  Rind A  Grave has been invaluable in getting photos of headstones.

One thing that I have learned by researching my ancestors is that my ancestors were from the South.  I have lived most of my life up North and in my head I am a Yankee.  South Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama, and yes...Texas all have claims on me.  That is my father's side.  On mom's side it is more the Mid-West and Canada!

Reality is that I am a good old American mutt.  I am a product of of my environment. 

I am happy to report to my many fine British and Welsh friends that this colonist has some pretty significant ties to the UK.  I know you will want proof.  All the more reason for DNA.

The branches of our tree keep growing and new information is just around the corner.  Who knows what the DNA step will bring us.  What I do know is that good or bad it is part of who we are.  It is the history that we hand to our descendants.


Ranting Sailor said...

So your telling me your related to Roger?

Ranting Sailor said...

So your telling me your related to Roger?

Gerry said...
