Saturday, July 24, 2010

Blue Jobs...Pink Jobs

Many cruisers talk about blue jobs and pink jobs.  I always scoffed at the notion that there were differences in jobs on a boat, much less categorized by sexual orientation.  So now is the time that I eat some humble pie.

Since Michael is in the States, I have learned to change the propane tank (something that Michael takes care of routinely), the fuel filter needs changing ( right Michael, again), and now for one of the most masculine jobs known to all mankind... GRILLING.

The usual when grilling is Michael starts the grill and as I have said on many occasions, " offers up a burnt offering to the gods"...I stay below and cook the accompaniments.  Michael is in the States and we had a couple of great Porterhouse Steaks that needed to be eaten.  Cynthia took my place and prepared the buttermilk biscuits and I with beer in hand took over the grilling of the steaks.

How many times has Michael asked me are you ready?  And I reply just a few minutes...turn down the fire.  According to Michael the fire is down as much as it can go and I scoff.

Sorry, you are right Michael, you turn it down and yet it continues to cook.  So tonight we had biscuits baked to perfection and steaks that were...well a little more well done than I prefer.

I do have to admit that there is a certain amount of perceived power in sitting in front of a grill, tongs in hand and a chilled beer in the other, yelling down below..."so how are those accompaniments coming?"

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