Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Not Much New Under The Sun

Here we are in the summer entertainment season.  There sure isn't much out there that is new.

They are bringing back DALLAS!  No I am not excited.  I never watched it the first time around and have even less desire to watch it the second time around.  There is a new movie out called the Change Up.  Two guys who stand in front of a fountain and wish to have each others lives.  Old idea.  How many movies have been made based on this idea?

We can't seem to come up with anything that hasn't been done before.  TV especially seems to have cycles.  The season of Police Shows, Alien Shows,  Medical Shows.  The funny thing is that they start out about the police, aliens and doctors/nurses and before you know it, it is about who is sleeping with who.  Who wants to sleep with who.  I don't know how they sit around a dinner table.  They have all slept with each other and everyone else around the table.  Do they share?  Right they all ready did!

Even books from authors are stale.  James Patterson comes to mind.  I liked him in the beginning.  Now the font is huge, the chapters are two pages and I have figured "it" out by the second chapter.  I am not even sure that he is really writing the books anymore.  My theory is that he gives someone and outline and they fill it in.  I must say not well.  It is predictable!!!

I can hardly wait for Thanksgiving.  We will have to learn all over how to cook that Butterball!

1 comment:

Ranting Sailor said...

You give me the turkey and I cook it in the pit, remember?