Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Book Signing

Preston & Child
Cynthia is a big fan of Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child.  I have read a few of their books, but Cynthia is the FAN.  She found out that they were going to have a book signing in Phoenix.  She asked if we could go and I said sure!

Phoenix is almost five hours away, but what the heck.  Michael decided that he didn't want to go so it was going to be an all girl adventure.

I have never been to a book signing and wasn't sure what to expect.  It was being held at the Arizona Biltmore, a Waldorf Astoria Resort.  I am thinking we will be under dressed.  I mean Clark Gable stayed there and played golf there.  It had been the hot spot for the Hollywood Glitterati.  We took our toiletries just in case we didn't want to drive back on the same day.

We arrived with Cynthia navigating on the fly through a detour.  It was a little disconcerting to see her turn the iPhone 360 degrees before she would pronounce our intended direction.  She got me there without a hiccup.

Let me assure you, we were NOT under dressed.  I think that casual has gone way to far.  It is amazing what people will wear to a public function.  Some didn't even bother to comb their hair.  And there was the couple that was busy taking their own photo of themselves kissing, waiting for the event to start.

We walked around and then we sat outside the Grand Ballroom waiting for the doors to open.  One gentleman sat in a chair near us and once I said, "Hello" the flood gates opened.  He apparently did the website for Preston & Child.  He told us about which advance manuscripts he was currently reading for them, the piece of a meteorite Child had sent him for his help on the book, Impact.  It took up a good half hour and then we were allowed in the Ballroom.  I needed a beer by then.  I didn't need a five dollar beer, but that was cheaper than a seven dollar glass of wine!  They said there would be a buffet.  They lied!  There were little clear plastic boxes with 4 cookies each for...four dollars.  The cheese and bread box was eight dollars and so was the fruit box.  We skipped dinner.

It was interesting to hear the authors talk about character development and how plot lines came to be.  They had a wonderful rapport with each other and they easily drew you in to their world.  It was interesting to watch people interact with them and try to remind you that they were important to the authors.  We are funny creatures.

So we each have our signed copies of two books.   Would I do it again?  Yes, in a word.  We had a wonderful time and I learned a little more about writing a book.  More importantly, I am now prepared to be a book groupie.

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