Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Aging Observations

I was at church last Sunday and about to attempt kneeling.  My knees hate it!  It is not something I do well on a good day and if it is a bad day well, I might as well not even try.   I noticed the ladies in front of me and they have gray hair.  The lady next to me has gray hair.  Heck I have gray hair.  All of the Knights of Columbus have white hair if they have hair. 

So back to my attempt. The kneeler is down.  My right knee is touching it.  My left is screaming no way kiddo, so I rest my buttocks on the pew and half kneel half sit.  Yes, I looked around and I wasn't the only one in this predicament.  When did we get so aged?  When did genuflection include holding on to the pew so the I could get back up?  Three fourths of the Eucharistic Ministers had to use a handrail to make it up to the alter.  Two had to use the handrail and a cane to make it to the alter.  I wondered, was the slick polished marble floor a good choice?

There were a couple of young families in attendance, but most of us were old.  My guess is that the majority are retired. 

I joined a Book Club.  I am the youngest member.  I joined a writers group and I may not be the youngest, but it is aged.  The Genealogy Society, you got it; old people.

But this is how I really know that I am getting older...I have lived long enough to see the third version of Charlie's Angels on TV and a movie!  Dallas is back on the TV and the music of my youth now sells retirement plans and is played in elevators.  The peasant blouses of High School are back in fashion.  If they bring back elephant bell jeans with platform shoes then I will be sure that I am old.

But I am NOT old.  My body that I have abused and not taken care of is aging.  My mind is still sharp and I have a variety of activities that I love and still participate.  I am still sometimes surprised by the reflection in the mirror, but I am YOUNG at HEART and that is what counts.

1 comment:

Ranting Sailor said...

I guess that means I'm not old either.