Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year

It has been a good year all in all for SV Dragonheart and her crew.
We had one of our best trips back to the States ever. Saw a lot of country and were reminded what a beautiful country the USA really is!
We traveled more in Guatemala and saw some pretty amazing sites with some pretty amazing people. We ate "Street Chicken" for the first time and nobody got sick! We learned that you can't put fresh french fries in a plastic bag and have them be edible later in the day. We learned that an ice cold Gallo Beer after climbing ruins is a gift from the "gods". We had lunch atop a ruin with howler monkeys talking all around us. Eat your heart out Tarzan. We tested the new engine mounts and transmission all was well.
We had some great social activities at the marina. The best being Dinner and a Murder. What a blast that was.
Of course the boaters here are some of the best in the world. We bought gifts for 80+ children for the village church. That was 8 large hefty garbage bags full. We donated 3 days pay to each and every employee at the marina. Then there were the countless private activities that each boater accomplished as their way of giving back.
So as we close out 2007 and look forward to 2008 we are healthy, happy, and the boat is working. We are planning a great cruising season and looking toward a trip to Cartegena, Columbia with our good friend Roger and Carole.
So raise a glass with us and bid the New Year in.

1 comment:

Geoffrey said...

Happy New Year Dragonheart and crew
May all your winds be fair ones....