Thursday, January 10, 2008

Turkey Basters and Miniature Pinschers

Living in a small community like a marina can be very interesting. Last night we had a medical emergency. One of the boaters has a Miniature Pinscher named Penny. Well Penny was having seizures last night. It was very frightening to say the least as she was having them every 30 seconds.

Now I am a nurse and have some training in treating seizures. But not in dogs. I could tell that this little dog was in big trouble and something had to happen quickly. Fortunately we have telephone access to a Vet. However, the late night emergency number sends you to a Spanish speaking only person. My Spanish has improved, but in a medical emergency it was sadly lacking!

So running up the hill to the dock master's home I am pleading," Una momento, por favor!" Marco was johnny on the spot and even had the Vet's personal cell number. Quickly we are told to inject to dog with 2mg of Valium. We not have injectables. I do have some tablets so now we are to pulverize the Valium pill and mix it with water and give the dog a Valium enema!

When seconds count and you are looking around your boat for something to give a very small dog an enema your choices are limited. Viola! a TURKEY BASTER!

I wish you could have seen us, Dayna, Marco, Penny and me. Marco is feeding the dog flattened Coca Cola as prescribed and I am preparing the enema. Now they are holding the dog in the air over the galley sink, dog butt level with my face and baster inserted. As I am doing the procedure it dawns on me that perhaps we should aim the dog butt a little differently, like away from my face.

I can tell you that within an hour Miss Penny was getting back to normal. This morning she is looking just fine and running around the grounds and her boat.

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