Tuesday, December 30, 2008

We are turning our attention to New Year’s Eve and getting ready to make our ill fated resolutions. Statistically New Year’s Resolutions fail by about 90%. Most fail before January 31st even rolls around. According to the news the number one and number two resolutions are: quit smoking and dieting.
I succeed at number one a little over 7 years ago. No it wasn’t a New Year’s Eve Resolution it was a Birthday Resolution. I desperately wanted to go cruising and Michael said only if you don’t smoke. I quit and have only looked back a couple of times. I have been known to take a puff off an offered cigar when drinking. And once I actually snuck a puff off a cigarette. Thought that I was going to lose it right there at the bar. Notice that my smoking is triggered by drinking. Could cutting down on drinking be number three?
Dieting has happened over my life time since I had children. Before then I swear my metabolism was faster. Now if I look at food it adds on pounds and drinking doesn’t help. I am sure that I have lost and gained two small toddlers over and over in the past 20 years.
Exercising is usually a good resolution. In fact we (Michael & I) went in halves with Jim on an elliptical bike. I have been on it about 5 or 6 times in the last couple of weeks. Shouldn’t it be at least every other day for real impact? I will try and be better. Saying I resolve gives me the shivers. I am afraid to make grand pronouncements as it is always so embarrassing when one doesn’t hold up to the resolve. I am reminded of a line in the movie Mary Poppins…”Pie crust promises, easily made and easily broken.” That’s what New Year’s Resolutions bring to mind…Pie crust promises.
So where does that leave us? Wanting to improve our lot by improving our behavior…doing what we know if right and good for us or wallowing in a sea of procrastination… I certainly don’t have the answers. But here goes:
I will drink a little less
I will be a little nicer to everyone
I will eat a little less
I will play a little less Zuma
I will exercise a little more

That should be a good start. We’ll see how it goes.
And now a special message to my friend, Carole. I miss you and our lessons too. We think we may get out a little earlier than expected. We will catch you up!

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