Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Okay, Now I love Ted

Gerry of SV Katinka has been posting about TED. She is in love with the site and now so am I.  Carole of SV Androsian sent me this bit and asked it I wanted one.

You betcha.  I love tech stuff.  I love gadgets.  I love the fact that I can have an idea and want to share it and can do so via my blog.

So many of the people that I know are geeks.  Remember that used to be a put-down.  Now some of us would wear that badge with honor.  That is were the money is and that is the new wave.

I wonder if I would have had this new device if I would have made better choices about who I dated and who I married. (watch the video for the reference)  Most likely not, I am pretty stubborn.

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