Friday, October 30, 2009

?Friends, Facebook, and Aquaintances...?

In this world we use the word, Friend freely.  I remember my mother telling me that I would have enough friends to count on one hand and enough acquaintances to last a life time.

Face book asks you continually,  "Do you want to be my friend?"  My father recently  joined Facebook.  He is NOT my friend!  He is my Father.  I expect him to act as my Father, NOT my friend.  Don't get me wrong.  I want to connect to him on Facebook.  Just like I want to connect with my children, their spouses and all the other people in my life who encourage and lift me up.  BUT.. my children are not my friends!  I am their mother.  As their mother I have a responsibility to tell them when they are wrong, when they are right, and when they need to try again.

A relationship is complicated.  Parents have boundaries that say,  I have some experience and let me share with you what worked for me.  I don't want or need you to like me all the time.  I am your parent.  I will always love you, but I am not always going to like what you are doing.  (Had a hard time with that one when I was younger.)

Friends are special.  Yes,  I can count them on one hand.  Friends are the ones that nod when you admit that you messed up!  Not just messed up but really stepped in it.  They see you for what you are.  Good, bad, or indifferent.  They know you inside and out and still they stand beside you.  They tell you the truth when no one else will take that chance.

Friends are precious.  They are the weavers of our days.  They are the ones that tell us to relax, shut up, cool it, etc.
I wish FaceBook would come up with a different term.  I know who my friends are.

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