Wednesday, November 24, 2010

It's Thanksgiving

I have always felt that I lived a blessed life.
I have parents who were strict, yet allowed me to explore who I was and who I hoped to be.  They were supportive and understanding.  They were the steady hand on the tiller when I was tossed in angry seas.

I have amazing siblings.  No matter how far apart we are now we are so close that when we get together it seems like yesterday.  They have called me out when I screwed up and hugged me when need.  They have loved me without condition.

Husbands, well I have had a few of those.  They too deserve thanks.  They have loved and hated me.  They to have comforted me and chastised me.  They have filled my heart with love I never would have known otherwise.  I have broken some hearts and I am sorry for that.

Children, I have a few of those also.  I have always said that I have yours, mine and someone elses.  Each child has been a gift.  They too have loved and I am sure been displeased with me.  I just want them to know that no matter what I will always love you.  I may not like what you are doing, but I will always love you.

Grandchildren, hmmmm.  Many of you know that I have claimed that I didn't get the Grandmother gene and wasn't to sure about the Mother gene.  Well this new generation is wonderful.  They are hope that all will be okay.  A new baby is a statement that we do believe in the future.

My country is America and I am so thankful that I was born here.  Because I was born here I have had opportunities I would never have had otherwise.  I have protected it and I have spoken against it's policies at times.   But I am thankful that I AM AN AMERICAN!

So as we set down to full tables and hold hands to give thanks, let us not forget those less fortunate, those away from home, those with nothing on the table, those without hands to hold.

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