Saturday, February 5, 2011

Personal Courage

We just got back from watching The King's Speech.  I am blown away.

Yes, it is very British.  It is the British at their best.  Stiff upper lip you know.  Truly though, we forget that these were real people facing incredible world crisis.

Here is "Bertie" the Duke of York that has a terrible stutter.   His brother, the heir to the throne is enamored with Wallace Simpson, the American soon to-be- divorcee.

It must have been terrible lonely to always be the second son.  The one that the nanny didn't like.  The one that was just suppose to be just a Naval Officer.  It didn't matter at that point that you couldn't put two words together.  Now suddenly you are to be KING!

George VI, was not just King.  He was a man troubled and tortured by the lack of familial love.  The treatment of his brother and King George V was heartless, but that was what was expected.  Just be a man and talk!

The truth of the story though is the FRIENDSHIP that develops between the soon-to-be-King and Lionel Logue.  Lionel is a self taught speech pathologist.  Lionel knows that all the mechanical exercises will not truly help Bertie.  It is only when we face the emotional damage that we can begin to heal.

What a difficult task to break down the barriers of royalty and commoner.  Because of the courage of these two men, England survived the war.  But most importantly two men forged a life long friendship that crossed all class lines.

We should all be lucky enough to have a Lionel Logue in our lives.

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