Thursday, January 27, 2011

I'm Just Looking Around....

My time on the boat is fast ending.  I have completed the major tasks and now am down to the final wipe here and there.

Trying not to buy to much of anything as I will just have to give it away.

Most of the boats have left for the salt water and with everyone that I witness leaving the dock a little piece of me goes with them.

But this is not my year to go sailing.  This is my year to get my husbands and my health back in order.  This is the year to re-evaluate what is important. The year to continue the search for ancestors and to celebrate the new grand-children in our lives.

I hate letting go.  I am not very good at it.  I tend to want to be angry when I leave or let go.  Seems to make it easier at the time.

We have had a good run of 10 years on the boat.  And we may still have a season left in us.  That is the plan.  So as I put the boat to bed and look around I am reminded of the drinks and meals shared aboard her.  Sitting at the table with waypoints to put in and double check.  That last little bit of fresh veg just before you cast off.  The hours of school work that Cynthia did at the nav. station.  Watching energy consumption and running the generator for power. Lower and raising the dinghy.  Hoping the outboard will start.  Jumping in the water to cool off.  The hours of Mah Jongg in anchorages that were rolly and we were waiting for weather.

So on Tuesday when I get on that tube called an airplane I will be a little sad.  But I will also be full of hope.  Hope for the next year and the one after that.  Hope that we get to travel a little in our land home on wheels.  Hope that we all see each other again.

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