Wednesday, June 29, 2011

iPad Crossing the Generations

My Dad has a brand new iPad2.  He used my lowly first generation iPad and got hooked on, yes... Angry Birds!  So he finally decided to get one of his own.

Dad in Action
My Mom is sure that there is a device that comes out of his forearm and connects to the iPad2.  I have assured her that that is not an accessory that Apple provides...yet.

He syncs, downloads apps and plays games with the best of them.  He has his rosary and Divine Office loaded and takes the iPad2 to Adoration twice a week.

Well, the Pope was not to be outdone and now has an iPad2, though I suspect that someone does the downloading for him.  The Pope has a twitter account, though again I suspect that someone does the tweeting for him also.

The Pope
While we were at my parents we spent most nights huddled around one of the iPads and played Carcassone.  We love the game and now instead of pass and play we play over the internet with each other.

I am sure that Apple didn't have the over 80 crowd in mind when they developed the iPad.  Though it has given our family a new way to connect.  FaceTime is not only great for seeing the grandkids, it allows you to talk to the parents, grandparents and great-grandparents!

Dad and I both carry the family tree on our pads.  Helpful for that latest headstone photo that needs to be added.  Now we can do that right from the cemetery.

I love it that my Dad is a mini-geek and loves techie things.  I can see him now on the way to Alaska to see my baby brother, playing Angry Birds on the plane.

P.S.  Dad, don't forget to use Lane's account for a couple of apps!

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