Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Home Schooling Confessions

Home Schooling can be a wonderful experience. I am not sure for whom, but it is a wonderful experience.

For me personally the best part is getting to re-do Algebra. I was so good at it the first time around. I never could figure out why anyone would want to solve for “x”. Math with numbers was hard enough and now you want me to use letters.

Because of my love of all things mathematical I am very particular about which Math/Algebra book I purchase for the school year. It is imperative that it not only have an answer key, I demand the solution book. That way I can hide up in the V-Berth and study the night before. I also am always looking on the internet for sites that can be helpful. Dr. Math is great. You can type in math questions and he/she explains them and there is other cool math stuff there. Several Universities have great tutoring sites. However, what follows was the most helpful. Enjoy.


your most honorable brother joe said...

That is hysterical!

I know your love for all things mathematical is exceeded only by my own.

The Bridge Project said...


Reminded me of my own episode of 1X1 in Calculus class.

