Sunday, July 20, 2008

It's Raining, It's Pouring

Rain, Rain, Go away! Well it is looking like Deja vue all over again. The river finally hit the magic mark two nights ago. They had to turn the power off to the docks, so we are without power. Yes, it is still raining.
O.K. we live on sailboats. We have generators, our own water supply and heck we live on the hook without being plugged in. I know we are in a marina because we want power and air conditioning and internet. We are trying to keep a positive attitude about the whole thing. Yesterday was boat moving day as some boats were in danger of being put on the dock if a wave of any size came our way.
It looks like boat spaghetti around us. We are tied off on both sides to keep us off of the dock and our fenders aren’t doing much. So now we are wondering when will it go over the docks?
Stay tuned!


The Bridge Project said...

YUCK!!! That's no fun at all. Is our little boat okay? Who all did they have to move?

The Bridge Project said...

YUCK!!! That's no fun at all. Is our little boat okay? Who all did they have to move?

Anonymous said...

There is a lot to be said for Med Mooring!!