Saturday, July 12, 2008

What Cruisers do on rainy afternoons or How I discovered "Food Porn"

Gerry & Geoffrey on Katinka have introduced us to several things British. One is Marks & Spencers. It appears that they are an upscale store that has the most amazing commercials.

Some of you may remember at Christmas time the Gerry blogged about their commercials for “Christmas Food”. With Santana playing in the background and the husky voiced female talking about the food it is called “Food Porn”

It was the topic of conversation at lunch. We thought that we could make our own M&S advert about the Cayuco Club and post it on YouTube.

It is the rainy season and there is not much to do during a Monsoon afternoon.

So, this afternoon, Cynthia and I were surfing YouTube and found several spoofs on M&S adverts. We were rolling on the floor. It appears that we are a day late and a dollar short. Many had beaten us to the punch and produced just what we thought was an original idea. That’s ok I missed out on the pet rock thing also

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