Saturday, July 12, 2008

Internet Woes

Technology sometime makes our lives easier, but sometimes it is just a pain. I love all the gadgets that help run the boat until they break down and we can’t fix them.

Right now the biggest bug-a-boo is the internet. Yes we have become spoiled with access to the internet and now it is very intermittent to say the least. The hardest part is getting use to the idea of not having what you once used without a second thought.

I can check my email via our satellite phone but when you need to surf the web to order school or boat parts it is difficult.

The more secure the site the harder it is to move around the site when the satellite keeps dropping the signal.

Frustration levels are high now as I think that I have ordered next years school curriculum, but as of yet no confirming email and they aren’t open on the weekend to talk to a representative. Of course some of the pressure is that I have a burro (someone traveling to the States who is willing to carry back text books) and I need to get the order there in a timely fashion.

So first thing Monday morning I will be calling about the order. At least the cell phones aren’t down.

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