Saturday, September 27, 2008

When Will I Get My Sources Right?

Sorry that I got the wrong Steak House name.  Here is how it happened.

As we are driving into Orlando we start trying to remember the name of the steak house Gerry & Geoffrey recommended.  Since both Michael and I suffer from a chronic case of CRS (can't remember shit) we knew it was a name like Chuck, Charles, or Charley.  While waiting at a light I see a taxi advertising Charley's Steak House and convince Michael that that is the name of the place that was recommended.

NOW PAY CLOSE ATTENTION!  I was wrong and Michael was RIGHT.

So it was my fault that we had the best, most expensive steak meal of our lives because I suffer from CRS.

Sorry Gerry & Geoffrey.  You both are off the hook.


Anonymous said...

Your secret is safe with me... wont tell a soul...(grin)

Gerry said...

Youur loss(financial) is our gain(humour)!