Monday, March 23, 2009

Come in Mars Station...Come in Space Station

Come in Mars???
One morning while watching TV in the Cayuco Club Gerry and I saw a piece on Solar Ovens. Gerry stated that they had thought about purchasing one for the boat. When asked why they hadn’t made the purchase she stated that it would take up too much room on the deck and storage would be a problem.
Imagine my amazement when yesterday I was sitting in my cockpit and low and behold on the deck of the vessel anchored next to us they had a SOLAR OVEN! At first I thought that it might be some sort of satellite enhancement equipment. No it was an oven. All day we watched while as the boat was swinging on the anchor she adjusted and adjusted the oven. Things weren’t going well you could tell…look up to the sun adjust the oven, look up to the sun, adjust the oven. Finally it must have been hot enough to be cooking because she would taste the food and then re-adjust.
Eventually her husband came out and I can only imagine that he gave her some advice. I think that it may have been unwanted. Why you ask? Well, the hot pad glove came off and the spoon was laid down with emphasis and she was now sitting on the side of the boat. The husband adjusts the oven and disappears below.
Around 1600 hours the food is removed and the oven is closed up and stored on the deck. I must admit that several times during the day I wanted to offer her my oven. Propane is so much simpler. Yes there is the explosion thing occasionally. However, no matter which way the boat is swinging or if there is sun or not, I can cook.
Gerry I have come to the conclusion that space is not the only reason to NOT have a Solar Oven. I’ll take propane and a pressure cooker any day. Bon Appetite!

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