Friday, June 5, 2009

Sock Monkeys

Roger and Carole on Androsian were given the game Cranium by their daughter.  So of course now that there are a few more people in the marnia we have been playing once a week.  I should mention that it is the Canadian version of Cranium so they have an advantage.  If you know what a "TimBit" is then you must be Canadian.  It very nearly cost me the game as I was clueless!

So the next time we played we demanded that Roger and Carole be split up so that each team had a Canadian.  One of the things that you have to do is draw and have your team guess what it is that you are drawing.  Unfortunately Roger destroyed his drawing so I can't share it with you.  It was a lovely tree with what appeared to be stick men with anchors attached to them or were they tails?  No matter, our team did not guess correctly.

What he was drawing was a "Sock Monkey".  Well, Roger did not know what a Sock Monkey was...Carole and I originally thought that it was a Sock Puppet.  No, it is the all to familiar monkey made from the Rockford Red Heel Sock.
Google them and you can get free instructions on their construction.

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