Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Week

It is Christmas Week and I am in the States.  You would think that it would be just what the doctor ordered.

Parts of it are wonderful.  You have more shopping options.  You are with family.  But there are down sides too...
You have more shopping options.  That means that you have to be out there among them.  There are carols playing, but there is pushing and shoving.  Shelves are looking a little bare.  What you want is sold out.   At least in Central America I had a handy excuse.  Now it just my own procrastination.

I love being with my family.  My sister, Helen, Cynthia, and I spent the day baking cookies.  Orin I will apologize right now.  I am not sure that I will be able to get any cookies out to mail to you.  They have guards on the doors.  Rumor has it there will be more baking tomorrow.  I am not sure that my feet can take it.

It has been rainy and chilly.  Dare I say it, I miss the hot and humid of Guatemala.

I think that it is time to put the chanting Monks on and listen to some soothing Christmas music.

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