Saturday, August 2, 2008

I had a good day

Yesterday, Marco the Dockmaster, and I went to Guatemala City to do the tienda shopping. We started out at 0400 because on a good day it is a 5 hour drive one way. We had a fairly good trip considering the mudslides, traffic and rain. Coming back was a little more difficult, but more on that later.

Riding along with us were 2 virgin cruisers to Guatemala. After being here off and on for four years I have learned a little about the country, the people and the politics. So I got to show off yesterday and be the tour guide. It had been awhile since I had driven to the City. Lots of changes and progress, that double edged sword is visible everywhere. The new four lane highway through the mountains (in partnership with Taiwan China) that crowds out small tipico homes. The new lean-tos that dot the side of the road selling illegal diesel, fruit, drinks, and other commodities. The tree branches placed like flares to let you know that there has been an accident. The painted rocks that are fading…they carry the political parties endorsements of the last presidential campaign in Guatemala.

Arriving in the City you are accosted with fumes from the trucks and buses, the cacophony of noise, goats being herded and the occasional clown driving to gig. Then you arrive in Zone 10 the Zone of Life and the shopping, fine dining, and hotels. You realize that you are away from the river.

For me the best part of the trip was being with Marco. He is a warm friendly guy that I consider a good friend. He lets me practice my Spanish and doesn’t laugh too much when I say something wrong. He talks to me about his country and how young it is in a democratic sense. He talks to me about how horrible it was as a school boy to be stopped by the soldiers and even though he was in a school uniform he had to be able to show his school ID or face arrest or possible worse. (It reminds me how lucky I am that I was born in the United States.) We share our lives with each other. Marco and his family are part of the reason that we love Guatemala.

So we drove back home to the river after a good shopping trip. It rained. It rained hard and there were waterfalls and mudslides that weren’t there on the way up. There were 6 accidents all involving 18 wheelers. We made it home after dark, but the pontoon boat was waiting to take us to the marina with our stuff.

It was a good day…I spent it with my friend, Marco.


The Bridge Project said...

Soooo - are you back to being the activity director or was this a volunteer trip to the city?!?

Did you get our announcement about Boo? Hadn't heard from you and wanted to be sure. He's adorable, a little angel. MK is fine.

Miss all of you.


Anonymous said...

Even the rumor mill back here in the US has you returning to the role of Activities Director. I understand that for an undisclosed amount of money you picture will be in People Magazine showing you directing activities. ;)