Monday, August 11, 2008

Sometimes I should keep my big mouth shut

Well this morning there was a section reserved for discussion on the Murder on the Rio Dulce on the morning NET.  I still am having difficulty on a personal level about the robbery and murder of someone that I knew.  I didn't know them well, but I knew them.

I usually have strong feelings on issues and more times then not I speak my mind.  I am concerned that some people new to the river feel as if the "old timers" kept a secret from them about anchoring out on the river.  I know that if I know someone is going to anchor out we usually go through the list of  "have you thought about..."  Actually I had had that discussion during Spanish Class with Dan earlier in the week.  Mel, another classmate wrote one of her stories for class about the security issues that they faced when anchored up on the lake and what steps the boats in their group took to keep themselves safe.

If you read the State Departments warning on Guatemala you would be hard pressed to want to come and visit.  I will restate, that yes it is a dangerous place!  So is Tucson, Arizona and Fargo, North Dakota.

I am reminded of when I was active duty Army and stationed in Korea.  I extended my tour so that I could have my children with me in country.  It was hard to leave and 18 month old and a 6 month old in the care of friends while I flew half way around the world to serve my county.  Because both my husband and I were active duty we had to have plan of who would take our depenedents out of the country if something should happen.  The reality was that if "the balloon went up" a phrase that meant war had broken out, all the dependents were to go to Osan AFB and they would be evacuated out of Korea.  It was a joke, but it made people feel good.  Reality was that the highways would be closed to land plans on them and would be so choked with so many Korean Nationals that NO ONE was going to get off the "ROCK".  I knew that when I brought my children there.  I use to worry how I would deal with it if they had been killed because I wanted them with me instead of in the States growing up without me for a year.  Bottom line...I wanted them with me and hell be damned I wasn't going to let fear stand in my way.

So the Rio Dulce is a dangerous place.  A marina is a "safe place" on the river as we do have a weapons toting guard, however, safety is an illusion.  I am not leaving the country or river that I have fallen in love with...I and my family are staying.  We will be a little more cautious. 

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